Faery Tale Adventure

Title		Faery Tale Adventure
Game Type	Action Adventure
Company		Microillusions
Players		1
Compatibility	All (AGA patch available)
Submission	Wolfgang Unger (Not responsible for the dodgy translation)

 The game appeared 1988 for the Amiga, later for the C-64 and PC (both
versions are substantially worse).  It was programmed by Microillusions,
and probably the only good game this company produced.  An Action RPG
concerning Adventure.  The player controls a figure within a pseudo-3D
landscape, fighting everybody that sees unfriendly.  Then one can steal
any valuables that they were carrying  (gold, codes, weapons).
In the course of the game the player improves ever more and becomes more
intelligent and stronger (or dead).  With some people you can also talk,
for example the princess (, hehe do not only talk) and the king.  With the
witch, the black knight or the bad kite you should not talk. It's fighting
time! On an enormous turtle one can drive by the sea and fly on a swan
terribly fast by air and over mountains.  In the country there is also
magic, which one can use with magic articles. You one can make light, heal
yourself, use a card to call or teleport yourself about the country, plus
a great deal more.  You should eat frequently by the way.

You can save at any time.  Oh, the game's object is it to kill any bad
guys and save the country.  Beforehand one should free the
princess, so that one can marry her later.  The play is probably age-old,
but is however great fun!  It has been designed very cleverly, and providing
you don't have anything against the relatively simple action sequences,
you can have a lot of fun.  The game's landscape (there is a map included)
is enormous, approximately 17000 screens worth.  There'll be plenty of fun with
the cartography of the country without the map. There are for example a
desert, a canyon, an ice landscape, a lock, underground funeral places,
caves (one with kites), a city with a king, locks and towers, islands,
rivers, a witch forest with a witch, and a gruesome cemetery. Yes, there
are some problems.  The game does not run quite so well with newer
Amigas and not from fixed disks, but I found after a few days a
Patch on the Internet, with which one can install it problem-free on the
hard drive, and it runs also on the A1200.  Thus it runs perfectly!
Even the manual query can be removed if desired.

Category list.

Alphabetical list.